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Bild Beschreibung Standort Medium
Rowling, Joanne K.
Harry Potter
06. and the Half-Blood prince
London : Bloomsbury , 2005 - 607 S. : 15,80 EUR ISBN 978-0-7475-8108-6

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince takes up the story of Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry at this point as Voldemort's power and followers are increasing ...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 12.11.2019

Fremdsprachige Kinderbücher

Brinx, Thomas
A Paul to Kiss

(Freche Mädchen, freche Bücher Freche Mädchen, freches Englisch)
Stuttgart : Ed. Weitbrecht im Thienemann-Verl. , 2005 - 190 S. : 9,90 EUR ISBN 978-3-522-17764-1

The last thing Olli wants is to be introduced to Robert! Not only does he look like a gorilla, he's a social worker as well. But worst of all, he's in love with her mum. Olli puts on her oldest T-s...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 27.02.2006

Fremdsprachige Kinderbücher

Flegel, Sissi
Forbidden to Love!

(Freche Mädchen, freche Bücher Freche Mädchen, freches Englisch)
Stuttgart : Ed. Weitbrecht im Thienemann-Verl. , 2005 - 205 S. : 9,90 EUR ISBN 978-3-522-17726-9

Isa isn't all that bothered at first: a week's holiday on an island in the Med means a week away from her beloved horse. On the other hand going abroad with her favourite aunt sounds like fun, and ...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 31.01.2006

Fremdsprachige Kinderbücher


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