Fremdsprachige Kinderbücher


Marktbuecherei Wolnzach
Autor:Brinx, Thomas ; Kömmerling, Anja
Titel:Country Boys, Country Love
Reihe/Zeitschrift:(Freche Mädchen, freche Bücher Freche Mädchen, freches Englisch)
Verfasserangabe:Thomas Brinx ; Anja Kömmerling
Erschienen:Stuttgart : Ed. Weitbrecht im Thienemann-Verl., 2007. - 171 S. - Broschiert
Preis:9,90 Euro
Standort:5.4 e BRI
Interessenkreis:Antolin Klassen 7+ ; englisch ; Freundschaft - Liebe ; Antolin ab Klasse 7
Annotation:Annika loves the most amazing guy in the world. And the most amazing guy in the world loves Annika. He's called Alex and he lives in the city. Soon Annika will be leaving Munich to live in a village in the middle of nowhere. Alex promises to love her for ever, but she knows it won't last. The city is full of pretty girls like her. Life in the countryside will be lonely and boring. Then Georg looks at her with his stunning green eyes, and she feels her heart flutter ...Englisch mit Spaßfaktor!


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60116123 Details 04.02.2008 verfügbar


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