
Weitere Kataloge und Datenbanken
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Linthicum, David
Cloud Computing: Rapid Migration During a Crisis and Beyond
LinkedIn , 2021 - 01:02:35

Moving applications and data from traditional systems to the public clouds was already challenging in normal times, but as many organizations saw in 2020, an unexpected crisis can require rapid dec...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 10.11.2023


Goganian, Aram
Composite Design and Manufacturing 01: Process and Materials
LinkedIn , 2021 - 01:11:09

Composite manufacturing is no longer an enigma of high-level industrial fabrication. The migration of composite material has inserted itself into consumer products from automobile interiors to cell...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 10.11.2023


Yahalom, David
Database Modernization
LinkedIn , 2021 - 01:28:26

There are many drivers for database modernization, such as technology stack updates, cost savings, and new data centers or event cloud migrations. Database migrations are complex, and preparation a...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 10.11.2023


Esnault, Brangre
L'essentiel d'Entity Framework Core 5
LinkedIn , 2021 - 01:20:42

Dans cette formation qui s'adresse aux d?veloppeurs et aux administrateurs de bases de donn?es, vous d?couvrirez Entity Framework Core 5, la nouvelle version de l'ORM (mapping objet-relationnel) de...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 10.11.2023


Linthicum, David
Learning Cloud Computing: Application Migration
LinkedIn , 2021 - 01:32:05

For IT professionals, knowing how to efficiently handle application migration to the cloud is critical. In this course, cloud computing expert David Linthicum provides an approach and methodology f...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 10.11.2023



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