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Die Suche ergab 9 Treffer (0,70 Sek.).
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Kinney, Jeff
Von Idioten umzingelt!

ein Comic-Roman
(Gregs Tagebuch ; 1)
Frankfurt a.M. : Baumhaus-Verl. , 2008 - 218 S. : zahlr. Ill. : 16,00 EUR ISBN 978-3-8339-3632-6

Greg hat von seiner Mutter ein Tagebuch geschenkt bekommen. Und das, obwohl Tagebücher doch eigentlich nur was für Mädchen sind! Oder etwa doch nicht? Greg jedenfalls beginnt einfach mal zu schreib...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 28.02.2024
Schulzentrum Horrem/Sindorf
Antolin Klasse 5
Jd  Kin


(bis 21.06.2024)
Kinney, Jeff
Big Shot

(Diary of a Wimpy Kid ; 16)
New York : Amulet Books , 2021 - 217 S. : 9,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-4197-6212-3

After a disastrous field day competition at school, Greg decides that when it comes to his athletic career, he’s officially retired. But after his mom urges him to give sports one more chance, he r...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 26.01.2024
Schulzentrum Horrem/Sindorf
JZoa  Kin


Kinney, Jeff
Deep End

(Diary of a Wimpy Kid ; 15)
New York : Amulet Books , 2020 - 217 S. : 9,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-4197-5547-7

But things take an unexpected turn, and they find themselves stranded at a campsite that's not exactly a summertime paradise. When the skies open up and the water starts to rise, the Heffleys wonde...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 26.01.2024
Schulzentrum Horrem/Sindorf
JZoa  Kin


Kinney, Jeff
Diper Överlöde

(Diary of a Wimpy Kid ; 17)
New York : Amulet Books , 2022 - 217 S. : 9,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-4197-6774-6

When he decides to tag along with his brother Rodrick’s band, Löded Diper, Greg doesn’t realize what he’s getting into. But he soon learns that late nights, unpaid gigs, fighting between band membe...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 26.01.2024
Schulzentrum Horrem/Sindorf
JZoa  Kin


Kinney, Jeff
The Meltdown

(Diary of a Wimpy Ki ; 13)
New York : Amulet Books , 2018 - 217 S. : 9,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-4197-3924-8

Snow has shut down Greg Heffley's middle school! Which should be exciting, but now his neighbourhood is a wintry battlefield. And Greg and his best friend Rowley are caught in the crosshairs of ter...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 26.01.2024
Schulzentrum Horrem/Sindorf
JZoa  Kin


Kinney, Jeff
Wrecking Ball

(Diary of a Wimpy Kid ; 14)
New York : Amulet Books , 2019 - 217 S. : 9,50 EUR ISBN 978-1-4197-4575-1

Big changes are in store for Greg Heffley and his family. They are making home improvements! But with unwelcome critters, toxic mould and the walls coming down, soon Greg discovers renovations are...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 26.01.2024
Schulzentrum Horrem/Sindorf
JZoa  Kin


Kinney, Jeff
Double down

(Diary of a Wimpy Kid ; 11)
Great Britain : Puffin Books , 2016 - 217 S.: Ill. : 8,50 EUR ISBN 978-0-14-137666-0

The pressure's really piling up on Greg Heffley. His mum thinks video games are turning his brain to mush, so she wants her son to put down the controller and explore his "creative side". As if th...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 07.12.2023
Schulzentrum Horrem/Sindorf
JZoa  Kin


Kinney, Jeff
The Getaway

(Diary of a Wimpy Kid ; 12)
London : Penguin Books , 2017 - 240 S. : 8,80 EUR ISBN 978-0-14-138525-9

Greg Heffley and his family are getting out of town. It's freezing cold at home and his parents are stressed about Christmas, so they decide the whole family are going to escape to a tropical isla...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 07.12.2023
Schulzentrum Horrem/Sindorf
JZoa  Kin


Kinney, Jeff
Kein Plan von nix

ein Comic-Roman
(Gregs Tagebuch ; 18)
Köln : Baumhaus Verlag , 2023 - 217 S. : 16,00 EUR ISBN 978-3-8339-0790-6

Eigentlich fand Greg Schule immer ziemlich doof. Hausaufgaben machen? Für Mathetests büffeln? Schulbücher lesen? Null Bock! Als seine Schule bei einem landesweiten Test so schlecht abschneidet, das...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 07.12.2023
Schulzentrum Horrem/Sindorf
Jd  Kin


(bis 17.06.2024)

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