Englischsprachig Kinder


Bücherei Schwarzenbruck
Fremdsprachige Kinderbücher
Autor:Preußler, Otfried
Titel:The little witch
Titelzusatz:brush up your english
Verfasserangabe:Otfried Preußler
Erschienen:5. - Stuttgart : Thienemann, 2003. - 124 S., Illustr.
Preis:7,90 Euro
Standort:5.4 PRE
Interessenkreis:Antolin Klasse 6
Schlagwort(e):Fremdsprachig ; Englisch
Annotation:The little witch was only a hundred and twenty-seven years old. That´s not at all old for a witch. She spent about six hours a day doing exercises in witchcraft, but she couldn´t get her spells right. Then she got into deep disgrace at the Walpurgis Night party. She was given a year to make herself into a good witch or be expelled. So many strange and funny things happened to her that year, she began to wonder if she would ever pass the final test.


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