Schöne Literatur

Autor:Green, Sally
Titel:Half Bad
Verfasserangabe:Sally Green
Erschienen:Harmondsworth : Penguin Books, 2014. - 383 S. - Kindle eBook
Standort:Engl. GRE
Interessenkreis:Lektüre Englisch 4. Lernjahr ; Englisch ; Lektüre Englisch
Schlagwort(e):Hexen ; Identität ; Englisch
Annotation:Half Bad by Sally Green is a breathtaking debut novel about one boy's struggle for survival in a hidden society of witches. You can't read, can't write, but you heal fast, even for a witch. You get sick if you stay indoors after dark. You hate White Witches but love Annalise, who is one. You've been kept in a cage since you were fourteen. All you've got to do is escape and find Mercury, the Black Witch who eats boys. And do that before your seventeenth birthday.


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01311037 Ruperti-Gymnasium Mühldorf Engl. GRE verfügbar

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