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Blackall, Sophie
Hello Lighthouse - ENGLISCH -
New York : Hachette Book Group Inc. , 2018 - First edition - 1 volume (46 unnumbered pages) ISBN 978-0-316-36238-2

"Explores the life of one lighthouse as it beams its message out to sea through shifting seasons, changeable weather, and the tenure of its final keeper."...
KK  Black


Mattick, Lindsay
Finding Winnie - ENGLISCH -
New York : Hachette Book Group Inc. , 2015 - First edition - 54 unnumbered pages ISBN 978-0-316-32490-8

A woman tells her young son the true story of how his great-great-grandfather, Captain Harry Colebourn, rescued and learned to love a bear cub in 1914 as he was on his way to take care of soldiers'...
KK  Matti



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