

Onleihe LEO-SUED
Autor:McCune, Anastasia
Titel:Building Elearning Games in Captivate
Erschienen:LinkedIn, 2015. - 02:50:27.00
Annotation:The idea of "gamification" in elearning is exciting, but how do you implement gamification principles into actual courses? Adobe Captivate can help you implement game-like features that can make the learning experience feel like a real adventure. Here Anastasia introduces gamification principles such as escape, time limits, and the element of chance, and shows how to build activities using each principle in Adobe Captivate. She'll use features that come with Captivate straight out of the box, including variables, advanced actions, and JavaScript integration. The finished activities can be taken away and used individually, but as a whole create a larger comprehensive project. Either way, Captivate developers will end up with working examples they can use to make their projects more dynamic and engaging.


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