

Onleihe LEO-SUED
Autor:Bettridge, Daniel
Titel:A Travel Guide to the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros
Titelzusatz:A Game of Thrones Travel Guide
Erschienen:Perseus Book Group, 2015. - 300 S.
Annotation:Discover the seven kingdoms of Westeros, the land brought to life in George R. R. Martin's Song of Fire and Ice series Bustling cities, ancient wonders, and snow-peaked mountain ranges; the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are an attractive destination for travelers (thereâEuros a reason why so many invaders have crossed the Narrow Sea over the centuries). This guidebook will escort you through a realm rich in culture, jaw-dropping natural beauty, and Lannister gold, helping you to navigate a continent where the landscape shifts almost as often as the balance of political power. Whether youâEurore looking to don your furs and follow in the footsteps of the First Men, spend an evening sharing summerwine (and a lot more besides) in Dorne, or simply root out the best "Bowl oâEuroBrown" in KingâEuros Landing, this travel companion has you covered. Created with you in mind, this book (based entirely on George R. R. MartinâEuros smash hit fantasy series) includes: "must See" best sights in the Seven Kingdoms (and beyond); practical advice on getting around, where to stay and how to ensure you keep your head attached to your shoulders for the duration of your visit; an amusing and informative look at the history of the region for those wanting to learn more about their surroundings; and no spoilers for those who are fans of the HBO show.


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