

Stadtbibliothek Donauwörth
Autor:Evans, Harriet
Titel:Happily Ever After
Titelzusatz:in real life, nothing is ever that simple...
Verfasserangabe:Harriet Evans
Erschienen:o.A. - London : HarperCollins, 2012. - 469 S.
Preis:4,37 Euro
Standort: EVA
Interessenkreis:Liebe ; Drama/Schicksal ; Englisch
Annotation:This is a story of a girl who doesn't believe in happy endings. Or happy families. It's the story of Eleanor Bee, a shy, book-loving girl who vows to turn herself into someone bright, shiny and confident, someone sophisticated. Someone who knows how life works. But life has a funny way of catching us unawares. Turns out that Elle doesn't know everything about love. Or life. Or how to keep the ones we love safe..


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